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Varnish Cache Opspack Varnish Cache is a HTTP accelerator designed for dynamic, content-heavy web sites...
Case studies
... of the IT environment. This would tell them whether the servers were working, or whether the network was experiencing problems...
Case studies
... a big challenge when their monitoring database and master server was running on the same box as the web...
... platform technology with literally billions of users. Apache and NGINX are bedrock web platforms, together...
Case studies
... solution which could monitor everything from syslog servers through to enforcing network security measures. The team needed a...
... transport to send DNS queries to Amazon Route 53. Route 53's servers are distributed throughout the world. What You...
... IIS (Microsoft Internet Information Services) is a popular web and file server . IIS was created for use...
Amazon Web Services is one of the fastest growing technologies being used by businesses to scale their...
... off, this is a Perl script that can be triggered by making web calls to the Pi. To configure the Pi with this script...
... uptime, performance, and accuracy of your websites, APIs, web applications, and servers. Test multi-step API...