

Autodiscovery allows you to automatically discover and profile hosts in your environment to quickly populate information into Opsview for monitoring.

Opsview Server Monitoring Dashboard

See Everything

  • You can scan by a range of IP addresses or search via DNS names in your network.
  • See all your devices, what agents they contain, and any network services that exist in order to greatly reduce setup and configuration time.
Opsview Infrastructure Monitoring Investigation Dashboard

Speed Time to Value

  • Autodiscovery gets you monitoring faster by identifying hosts and services for rapid import into Opsview. 
  • Use it to keep monitoring in step with fast growing dynamic host environments.
Opsview Business Service Monitoring

Three stages to Autodiscovery

  • Creating - configure scan settings to indicate to Opsview Monitor what to scan and how to pre-set how the discovered hosts should be monitored
  • Running - launch the scan to locate hosts and check for services
  • Validating and Importing - fine-tune the discovered host configuration in the Sandbox view and start actively monitoring the discovered hosts

Opsview Monitor: Autodiscovery and Automation

Autodiscovery helps Opsview Monitor users quickly locate and extract information from hosts in the wild, enabling rapid configuration of monitoring for them. Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Python and other automation support lets you integrate Opsview Monitor configuration into deployment and ops automation tooling -- letting you deploy and monitor virtual infrastructure and applications in a single, error-free pass.