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Elastic Stack
Learn how you can export Opsview event data to Elastic Stack via Results Exporter -- enabling standardized log storage (on LogSta
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Introducing Opsview Cloud, our new monitoring service that alleviates the admin burden weighing down IT ops teams, empowering the
What's it like to work at Opsview? Our CEO, Michael Walton, gives an insight into Opsview- the company and the product.
Opsview ServiceNow Integration
ServiceNow is a suite of modular IT Operations Management (ITOM) solutions engineered to drive IT productivity and efficiency.
Opsview Monitor Splunk Results Exporter
Opsview's new Splunk Results Exporter provides a complete, easy-to-use toolkit for extracting, filtering, and reformatting raw data directly from O
Opsview Monitor includes a complete, enterprise-class alerting and notifications system, engineered to notify the right people, filter out redundan
Autodiscovery helps Opsview Monitor users quickly locate and extract informat
Opsview Monitor provides deep insight, too: an array of convenient tools for examining low-level configuration details and events, to quickly find
Opsview Monitor integrates seamlessly with leading ITOM, ticketing, collaboration, analytics, and other tools, letting operators work in familiar e
Opsview Monitor -- now in Version 6 -- is a unified IT monitoring solution.
Opspacks enable Opsview Monitor users to quickly configure robust monitoring for physical infrastructure, cloud resources, and applications.
Day to day work with Opsview Monitor involves moving among views, based on what you need to know or accomplish.
Opsview Monitor 6.0
Following on Technology Preview and Early Adopters releases earlier this year, Opsview Monitor 6.0 (stable) was released on 4 December, 2018.